I play the cello.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The ABC's of 2010

Relating to the subject of your blog, write the first thing that comes to your head when you see the letter.

 A- Astrid!
 B- Boys.
 C - Cooking.
 D - Dogs.
 E - English.
 F - Fashion.
 G - Germany.
 H- Hippos.
 I-  Independence.
 J- Jews.
 K - Katja.
 L - Location.
 M - Massachusetts.
 N - Nail polish.
 O - Oatmeal.
 P -  Pie.
 Q - Quixotic.
 R - Rome.
 S - Sweden.
 T -  Time.
 U - Um.
 V - Venice.
 W - Weather.
 X - Xylophone. 
 Y - Youth.
 Z - Zoo.

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